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Here is a journey that helps you navigate the STS crane purchasing and operating process, from your needs to using the STS daily to the STS lifecycle care approach.
Learn more about our STS cranes
Core of Lifting
The Core of Lifting is an integrated package of gears, motor and controls, designed by Konecranes in-house specifically for cranes and lifting motions. We also design the interaction between the key components and the software, as a whole, specifically for lifting.
Main tech specs
Learn more about our STS offering:
- Lifting height
- Operating width
- Level of automation
- And more…
Maintenance & Remote Support
Our global footprint and technological advantage mean we can be a powerful partner in keeping all of your equipment at maximum possible availability.
Learn more
- Corrective & On-Call Assistance
- Preventive & Planned Maintenance
- Remote & Predictive Maintenance
- Contracts/SLAs
Spare Parts
Covering all Konecranes equipment, our Port Parts Centers ensure port parts distribution across the globe. Our online stores give you insight into stock availability across all of our equipment.
Learn more
Take advantage of our growing range of retrofits that bring older equipment up-to-date.
Learn more
- Remote operation conversions
- IT/OT system upgrades
- Safety-assist retrofits
- Smart features
- Raising
- Boom extension
Customer story: Georgia Port Authority
At the Port of Savannah run by the Georgia Port Authority, uptime is 99.5% or better on a regular basis, and downtime is less than 1/2 of 1%.