Konecranes technician inspects CXT hoist
Konecranes technician inspects CXT hoist
Crane and Hoist Inspections

Inspections for safety and compliance

Crane inspections are designed to assess the safety of equipment, detect wear and tear and identify maintenance needs for safe, productive operation. Inspections can also verify that your equipment complies with current local standards and regulations, helping you avoid costly fines and disruption of operations.

In addition to regular crane inspections it is beneficial to develop a comprehensive plan of preventive maintenance, scheduled repairs and advanced services that take a deeper look at your crane and its components. With a coordinated program, you can more effectively maintain a safer, more reliable and compliant operation.

Konecranes expert talks with customer about preventive maintenance
Konecranes expert talks with customer about preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance program

Service tailored to your requirements

An effective preventive maintenance program consists of preventive maintenance inspections, compliance inspections where applicable, and routine maintenance. The objective is to help you comply with regulations, follow manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance, and to reduce the likelihood of failures that result in unplanned downtime.  

We tailor our service programs to your operations, taking into account the equipment, its usage, operating environment, duty class, service history, manufacturer's recommendations and statutory requirements. 

Konecranes spare parts package
Konecranes spare parts package

The right parts at the right time

Keeping parts in inventory, especially in process-critical operations, can further reduce downtime when performing maintenance or repairs.

Konecranes Parts Packages are specifically designed according to your application and usage requirements. Our parts experts provide you with a comprehensive parts package which is based on our experience with more than 600,000 assets under service agreement and your individual needs.

Our parts package includes critical and wearing parts as well as an option to include investment parts such as motors, gearboxes and inverters. Having parts on hand will help you reduce and manage crane-related risks for your operation.

Risk and recommendations on yourkonecranes
Risk and recommendations on yourkonecranes
Risk & Recommendation Method

Identifying risks and improvement opportunities

Whenever we service your equipment, we apply our Risk and Recommendation Method to document and prioritize corrective actions. 

We first inspect a component to evaluate its condition. When then note and failures, deficiencies and/or violations and categorize them as either a safety risk, production risk or an undetermined condition. We’ll also identify any improvement opportunities. We make recommendation for corrective actions and discuss them with you during our review process.  

You can also see a summary of risks and recommendations on our customer portal yourKONECRANES.com

Konecranes expert consults with customer
Konecranes expert consults with customer
Customer consultation

Expert advice every step of the way

Only Konecranes provides expert advice every step of the way. As part of our consultative approach, we perform the following reviews.

Safety Review
This equipment-level review is to inform you of detected safety-related faults or issues before the technician leaves your site or before the equipment is returned to operation.

Visit and Service Reviews
These job or site-level reviews provide you with insight into inspection and maintenance findings, identified risks and recommended actions.

Business Review
This business-level review of your current maintenance program is aimed at demonstrating a return on investment and driving continuous improvement.