Konecranes RENTALL

Everything you need for lifting at one fixed price

You don’t always have to buy a crane. Konecranes RENTALL is a dynamic operational service package that provides you with premium cranes for a fixed monthly fee. Just rent the crane for a fixed period — typically 3-5 years — on flexible terms that match your budget. Select exactly the crane you need from a product portfolio with the help of our crane specialists.
You can currently rent CXT cranes, S-series cranes, and C-series chain hoist cranes with up to 20 t lifting capacity. When your production needs change, the cranes can be adapted or even changed to other crane models to match your new requirements. RENTALL also takes care of your rental cranes with regular service, including preventive maintenance and TRUCONNECT Remote Monitoring

Konecranes RENTALL has the following service features:

•    TRUCONNECT Remote Monitoring helps follow crane use and plan preventive maintenance

•    Maintenance includes spare parts, repairs, 24/7 on-call service and annual inspections

•    Flexible post-rental options: continue renting, buy with discount, or return to Konecranes

•    Minimum contract period 3 years

•    Adjusts for common customer cases and individual requirements

Currently available in: UK, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Australia, USA and Canada. Soon available in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Konecranes RENTALL has the following benefits:

•    After site-related costs (delivery, installation, commissioning and initial inspection), a fixed monthly fee covers all crane expenses

•    Simple agreement process with a minimum contract period  

•    Easy budgeting with a fixed monthly fee

•    Worry-free renting with fully-inclusive package

•    Premium equipment without large capital investment

•    Easy adjustments and upgrades

•    Crane becomes an operating expense

Want to know more about RENTALL?

Contact Konecranes to learn more about how Konecranes RENTALL can meet your lifting needs.

Serving customer lifting needs immediately

We understand how important it is to invest in production equipment when building your business. With a premium crane on easy payment, you have the freedom and peace of mind to focus on your core commercial activities. Get a crane with reliable full-service maintenance for one fixed price from Konecranes, a company with the expertise and resources to serve more than 600 service locations in nearly 50 countries.

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Konecranes RENTALL

Konecranes - Industrial Cranes