Slow movements for critical crane lifts

Sometimes, for crucial lifts, you just need more control. Just like operating a vehicle around a sharp turn, you can gain control by operating at a slower speed. However, keeping an overhead crane at the slow end of its operation can be tricky business. The room for error is great—just a slight miscalculation can cause a crane to move recklessly fast for critical lifts.
Easy control for crane operators
The Konecranes Microspeed feature offers the answer. Instead of being able to use just a small range of the joystick to move slowly, Microspeed allows you to pre-program the controls anywhere from 1% to 99% of the full speed range. Instead of having to use only a small range of the joystick to keep the crane at a slow speed, crane operators can use the full range of the joystick while still not going over their maximum desired speed.
This feature allows you to purchase a crane with regular speed controls for day-to-day work, while also having the Microspeed capabilities necessary when the need for an extra-slow, controlled speed is needed. With Microspeed, you can have the fast speed you need for times such as moving the hook block up for testing, while also being prepared for critical lifts.
How it works: The Microspeed function turns large joystick movements on the operator interface into slow and precise load movements. This is especially helpful in final load positioning to keep the operation safe while protecting the valuable load. The authorized person sets the speed of the Microspeed feature on the interface. A separate Microspeed can be programmed for each motion.
Contact Konecranes for the Smart Features you need
Microspeed is critical for when you need precision load control in limited spaces. This feature is also available in auxiliary hoist and tandem drive use. Contact Konecranes to see which Smart Features are right for you and your facility.